
Client Testimonials

  • As a couple thinking our relationship was over we had several sessions with Lyn. It’s an extremely safe space to resolve any problems you may have and Lyn made us feel extremely comfortable and able to open up.  We would highly recommend Lyn for counselling.
  • Working with Lyn quite literally saved our marriage. She gave us the support and tools to work through our challenges, listen to one another and communicate our needs. Her honesty, kindness and good humour helped us move forward positively and with purpose. We can’t thank her enough for helping us find happiness with one another again.
  • I just wanted to pop you an email to thank you for helping us learn how to deal with conflict. I know we haven’t seen you in a while but we have been using the steps when needed and now that we have moved in together we rarely need to use them as we can recognise that it’s not necessary for things to get that heated. We are really grateful for you listening to us and I’m glad we learned new ways of dealing with things and listen to each other more. We were speaking this weekend about how helpful those steps were for us when we needed them the most and I thought I’d just let you know 🙂
  • Just wanted to send you an email to say how grateful I am for the time you have given to support me/us. The amount of self-reflection we have both have done in the last few months is incredible. I genuinely feel as though you have helped me transform my ways of thinking and helped save our relationship. I finally feel as though I’ve been able to come to the surface and take a deep breath again to see things for what they are. Thank you!!! This feels like a bittersweet moment of wanting to say I hope I speak to you again soon but also hoping I don’t need to at the same time! You genuinely are amazing. Thank you!
  •  Lyn’s experience and warm presence helped me discover who I always was and wanted to be, Lyn gently helped me deal with a childhood trauma that I thought would be impossible to get over, her skills guided me through an amazing journey of personal growth. She is honest and open, offering a relaxing and safe environment, she is very experienced and has a great sense of humour which puts you at ease as soon as you meet her, a big thank you Lyn for helping through one of the toughest things I had to face.
  • It’s been 2 years since we last spoke and a lot has changed in that time however I just wanted to drop you a quick note…Following our meetings in 2019 I was clear on what I was going to do at the start of 2020. I hope that you do not mind me contacting you directly – I just felt obliged to let you know as I would have not started this journey without the meetings that we had or without your very kind input and advice – it has made a significant and positive difference to my family. Not sure these words fully reflect my appreciation for your help however thank you very much in any case!
  • Lyn set me at ease immediately. She was warm, professional and guided me to process my feelings following the end of a long-term relationship. She gave me practical tools and new perspectives that helped me through a very difficult time, and I have come out the other side feeling more empowered, confident, and trusting in myself. Thank you!
  • It is hard to write something about working with Lyn, that has not been written already. My main objective when we started our meetings was to mentally detach from a toxic relationship. Something I did not manage to do for twelve years after it ended. A few months have passed since my last meeting with Lyn and it is now safe to say I am free! Lyn has also massively helped me to improve my self-esteem. My world is crumbling around me at the moment, as it is around a lot of people in these strange times, I’m sure. But I am ok! Lyn has given me some fantastic tools and coping strategies and I am now able to deal with it all, standing firmly on my own two feet. ‘Thank you’ doesn’t even begin to cover it, Lyn.
  • I started seeing Lyn (via Zoom) when my anxiety came back in full force this year. Amidst a global pandemic, ‘meeting’ with Lyn absolutely transformed my life. Every week I felt lighter and more able to cope with my emotions. She gave me great strategies that I continue to use even after our sessions ended and provided great reflection points on my life. Thank you, Lyn, for helping me get through a very dark time!
  • We’ve been married happily for over 40 years but found our relationship was under a bit of strain for a variety of reasons none of which was particularly serious but the accumulated effect had become an issue. We found Lyn through a google search and have had 6 sessions.  We initially had a slight concern that the sessions would be on Zoom rather than face to face but strongly feel that Zoom provided an excellent forum for discussion in a relaxed atmosphere, especially during the current situation with Covid restrictions. Lyn’s experience of relationship issues was very helpful and we felt at ease and able to be open and honest with her and each other. She gave us a number of practical tools to use which we are finding very helpful and will continue to use in the future. If you are unsure about whether to go ahead with counselling we recommend that you give it a try with Lyn.
  • So six weeks and 8 sessions later here I am, Lyn showed me how to turn my thoughts and feelings around in that short space of time. She has taught me how to deal with situations that I really hadn’t thought of in all my years. I went to see her at the beginning of a very difficult and emotional time when I felt angry, helpless and hurt not being able to see a way of stopping those feelings. I have now learnt through Lyn’s help to put things in place, I learnt things I never knew, ways of coping and seeing a bigger picture. With Lyn’s help and guidance I now feel able to move forward a much stronger more level headed individual, to concentrate on my life and the changes I can make myself. Thank you Lyn for taking me down that path when I thought I was lost.
  • I work in a very tough profession, It is both physically and mentally very demanding; in a team made up entirely of Men. And, as such I find it difficult to “Open up” my softer side. having had CBT twice previously I went into my first session full of pessimism and a general sense of hopelessness. I went to see Lyn for help with my PTSD like-symptoms (so I was used to feeling like a freak) – that left me when I crossed the threshold of her consultation room.She was kind, but not overly so, seeming to be driven by a genuine desire to help the people she was sat opposite and not just spout optimistic rhetoric at them.She allowed me to feel comfortable in my own time and actually listened to what I was NOT saying, as well as what I was. She demonstrated to me how my thoughts about the ‘here and now’ were being tainted by linking them to negative events in my past. She explained that it wasn’t me simply feeling sorry for myself or wanting attention, but that it was my brain using the same defensive techniques that had worked to get me through the previous events again, on different events in the here and now – even though the two were not directly linked.She took the time to find out enough about me to really tailor the therapy in a way that she thought would work best for me.She was Genuinely funny and made the sessions interesting. she turned the overly soft, wishy-washy, hippie-like negative stereotype of councillor sat in a circle wearing a fluffy cat jumper talking at length about themselves on it’s head. She has given me new respect for the techniques she used, and talking therapy’s in general.She is a genuine, Professional, funny, Caring person who’s not afraid to (politely) tell it how it is. Lyn is a human being with a simple desire to help those in need; and for that she has the upmost of my respects. – If it feels scary to make the first step (like it did for me) Lyn is exactly the sort of person you need to make contact with.
  • If you’re having doubts about whether counselling can help you in your relationship, then I’d advise you to get in contact with Lyn. We were unsure until we contacted her, but we found the sessions to be very helpful. She presented a number of ideas and concepts we’d never considered before, and helped us to find new ways to break out of a negative cycle. Very experienced, good humoured, down to earth…her support and help has been invaluable to us.
  • Hi Lyn hope you’re well. We just wanted to introduce you to our little princess, both mum and baby are doing great. I wanted to send you these pictures because you did a wonderful thing helping not only with my issues but also with our marriage and making us understand what’s important. I guess this picture is a big thank you from both us. We’re so happy. Thanks again Lyn xx
  • Firstly can I please apologise for such a delayed response – 5 months is quite embarrassing, no excuse really! It’s been non-stop yet I’m glad to say despite this we really focused on ‘us’ using the tools we gained from our time with you. We are now the best part of a year down the line since we first came to you and we couldn’t be better. We can honestly say this is the strongest we have ever been. I genuinely question if we would of worked it all out without your support – a complete game changer for our marriage.  For this we are so grateful.
  • Lyn helped me rediscover my self worth after suffering post traumatic stress. She made me feel safe and comfortable enough to face very stressful incidents in my life and develop coping strategies to move forward. I can honestly say I feel I have achieved so much in these few sessions that my anxiety is at an all time low and I feel strong and happy again. Thank you Lyn
  • I want to thank Lyn so much for the help and support she gave me during the time I visited her. I felt at ease and was able to speak freely and felt comfortable from the minute I met her. She helped me through a difficult stage in my relationship and now I feel positive and hopeful for our future. She was also able to make me feel stronger and more confident in myself.
  • I was put on to Lyn by a friend of mine who had gone through something similar. I had put off talking to someone for many years and was very nervous when I booked my first appointment to see Lyn.  She put my mind at ease from our initial emails and even more so from are the first appointment. After each appointment, I felt more at peace with myself and my boyfriend noticed I was a lot happier. We had several sessions and finished with CBT (I forget the name of it).  That made an incredible change and I no longer have the thoughts and feeling brought on by past trauma. I am all round a lot happier.  Thank you so much.
  • Thank you so much for all your help and advice. We’re still doing really good thanks to you. And every day we are grateful and appreciate it so much that we found you and found the courage to come and talk.
  • We waited a few months before writing this because we were scared the results were too good to be true, but so far we are doing really well. We don’t know how Lyn did it but she made us open our eyes and start respecting each other again we will always owe her a massive debt of gratitude for saving our relationship. Go see her.
  • We’re not too sure what exactly Lyn did, but it worked! My husband and I have never had any sort of counselling before and always thought we could sort our own problems out. However last year we hit such an impasse that neither of us could see a way around it, and feared for the future of our relationship. It was a horrible time and neither of us could see how sitting in a room and talking to someone could help, when we had tried and tried to fix the problem which we felt was quite unique to us. We really loved each other but had some serious issues and had developed some unhealthy habits and ways of communicating that had really damaged our relationship over the years.However as we had nothing to lose and everything to gain, we decided to give Lyn a try after reading the testimonials on her website. From the outset Lyn was kind and welcoming and listened to us without blame or judgement. We felt totally comfortable confiding in her even about the most awkward and personal of subjects. Lyn is such a warm and friendly person, we quite often ended up laughing about things that previously had been awkward and painful.  In a very short time, she managed to help us see how our behaviours were affecting the other person and taught us how to reframe the situation and communicate better and work towards a solution that didn’t feel like a compromise but felt like a release. If we do run into trouble again in future, we wouldn’t hesitate to call Lyn again. We owe her a massive debt for saving us from making some very big mistakes, and will always be deeply grateful.
  • I’m emailing to cancel my appointment; you were right Mr Guilty seems to be very well behaved and I can honestly say I feel fab! I have your details embedded in my mobile and won’t hesitate to call if he rears his ugly head again.  Thank you so much for your honesty and straight talking. I had my light bulb moment with you and everything seemed to make sense. I will always be grateful to you. All the very best and kindest regards.
  • It has taken me far too long to write this testimonial, mainly because I am not sure how to put into words the help, guidance and support myself and my husband received from Lyn. We had never had any type of counselling before so were unsure what to expect but having read the testimonials for Lyn on a marriage counselling website I had no doubt we would be in good hands. From the outset Lyn was welcoming and listened to us without judgement or blame. She encouraged us to speak openly about our relationship and allowed us to see a way of dealing with our problems whilst moving forward together. After each session we had we could see and feel the progress we had made. Lyn was such a warm, friendly and naturally engaging person, I am certain we would not have been able to repair our relationship as efficiently without her help. My husband and I are indebted to her and I will always be grateful to her for everything she helped us achieve.
  • Life Changing – after 52 years of having never had a relationship with my father – he was dis-approving and never gave me any love – I decided to see someone just to be able to handle the hurt I felt. I found Lyn and started counselling sessions. During our initial sessions Lyn pinpointed the issue – and after a number of ‘light bulb moments’ enabled me to understand what was happening. With a little more work she helped me to repair the relationship and now, unbelievably, I have a fantastic relationship with my father. This has changed my life and I regret not seeking help many years ago. If you have any issue, don’t wait, with Lyn’s assistance you can change your life. Thank you so much.
  • From the initial consultation with Lyn I felt completely relaxed and able to speak freely. I had crippling anxiety to the extent where in pressure situations my hands would sweat, I’d struggle to regulate breath, think, or articulate myself. I work in finance and had a very important interview coming up which I was getting increasingly stressed about, and fearing I’d be paralysed by anxiety and unable to function I decided to take action. My sessions with Lyn got to the historical underlying cause of the problem and from there we were able to work towards overcoming it. Any similar future situations hold no fear for me now. Many thanks for all your help Lyn.
  • When myself and my partner decided that we needed the help of a therapist, we were anxious to find someone that we felt comfortable with and who had the skills to guide us through the problems we were facing. We are so glad that we chose to work with Lyn. She created an environment that was safe and ‘open’ in which we felt we could be honest with ourselves as individuals and each other. The work that Lyn took us through was challenging but she was very supportive and understanding, and clearly has lots of experience and skills which enabled us to achieve our goals. We have learnt to see ourselves and each other in a different light and we now have the tools to deal with future challenges. Thank you for all your help.
  • I hope this finds you well. I have good news, we have discussed things and decided we won’t be needing another session. Your intervention came at a crucial time and I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wisdom and guidance. If we feel in need of counsel in the future you will be our first port of call. Thanks again.
  • Thank you for the support and guidance you provided to me at such a difficult, dark and distressing time. To have been able to throw off the suffocating blanket that seemed to surround my mind for so many years has made such a difference to my quality of life. I now have a measure of normality that enables me to once again stop fearing the worst all the time.
  • Thank you for all your help with putting our marriage back on track and keeping the door open for us to stay there. We found Lyn very professional and easy to talk to and we are very grateful.
  • “Lyn is a great listener who always offers clear and constructive feedback. One of the best qualities of Lyn is being able to put you at ease no matter how difficult the situation you’re facing.”
  • When I first looked at Lyn’s website and testimonials prior to us having our first appointment, I read the words of others and thought if I ever had the chance to write my own, I would be blessed. I also felt it might take a miracle … as it would mean our marriage was not beyond being salvaged. The instinct to choose Lyn was spot on. Her wisdom, care & understanding of how 2 people who once loved each other & how it could fall flat, was looked at from all angles – the view was almost impossible to grasp from the both of us. We were at rock bottom & had formed such bad habits, it really was Lyn who helped us – and showed us how to help ourselves – giving us this chance to see if our marriage could work again. Her insight, patience, and probing us to look deeper into ourselves as to the why’s, how’s, etc, proved invaluable. She stripped our marriage back to basics, to see what, if any foundation, was there – and indeed, if we had the incentive & need to progress it. And it works! – as with all habits, it takes a long time for them to form, and just as long to change. Meeting Lyn, in my view, was our last and only chance of finding out if we had a marriage worth saving – we’ve come away with so much more and we will be forever grateful. We have learnt through Lyn to never forget how we both felt when we first met her, but to not dwell on it and to keep maintaining the positive changes we have made. If we ever have friends or family who find themselves in the depths of despair, or perhaps one wanting ‘out’ with the other unsure or desperate to try once again, then our recommendations for Lyn knows no bounds. It took much soul seeking & hard work on our part, but, having Lyn as the intermediary was an absolute necessity for us.
  • Thanks for all your hard work and for persevering! The sessions have been beneficial for us and we’ve taken a lot away! We’ll keep working hard.
  • Thank you so much for all your help. We know our work is ongoing to ensure a successful marriage, but you’ve certainly helped us lay strong foundations.
  • Dear Lyn. When I came to see you all those years ago, I was a woman who was broken. You, yes you, have enabled me to become a strong, independent, beautiful woman who at last loves her life and herself. I am so glad that I found you. Your support has been invaluable to me. Your guidance and some of your exercises have given me the tools to support my friends who have also been struggling over the last few years. My hell is now over after 4 long years and my life is now beginning again. My partner and I love each other very much, and he has taught me to love again. I hope I never see you again in a professional way Lyn!!! Thank you for everything; you really are a special person.
  • I was lucky enough to be given counselling sessions with Lyn last year for a good few months to solve an issue which I had no hope of solving myself. I was a confident, outgoing and fun loving person on the outside, but on an emotional level I was absolutely lost. I had no idea what to do and was in a horrible place inside. Lyn was the only person I could discuss this deeply personal issue with, and she helped me to find out exactly what it was and how to start to deal with it. Once I had the right frame of mind and the confidence to try different things to deal with the problem the effects were noticeable. After one year I can say that the counselling worked 99%. Even if the problem reoccurs I can solve it myself, and do not fall into the lost world I lived through for almost 5 years. Highly recommended. Thank you Lyn – Things are good!
  • We just wanted to say that we are extremely grateful for all the help and support that you have given us over the past five months. When we first contacted you, we both felt very nervous, as we are sure most people do. Your professionalism, humour and understanding took that initial anxiety away within minutes of meeting you. Because of your guidance and advice,we have reached a fantastic moment in our relationship and you have given us the tools to ensure that this moment continues into the future. We would encourage anyone to seek the help of Lyn if you need it – you really have nothing to worry about. Reaching out is the first step and the rest, with hard work, will see the results you crave and desire.
  • From the off, Lyn was welcoming and encouraging and made us feel at ease.  She knows her stuff and was able to share with us her toolbox of tricks that we could work with as a couple.  She has insightful ways and anecdotes that can help you see things clearly and makes concepts easy to understand.  She helped us to cut through all the smoke screens we had created and focus on what was important.  We would not hesitate to go back to her for a health check in the future.
  • We both just wanted to say thank you for all the help that you have given us. Although we know that a lot of the hard work is down to us, we truly believe that without your help and guidance to make us both look at ourselves and each other we would be living separate lives by now. Thank you so much for the kindness that you have shown us both. In the nicest possible way we are hoping that we won’t have to return in the future!!
  • “Following our relationship breakdown and finding ourselves in ‘Crisis’ we knew we needed professional help.  Having never ever considered the thought of a Relationship Counsellor, carrying the real fear of the unknown, wondering what they would do and how they would work with us we searched the web to find someone.  We both knew we wanted to work at our marriage and hopefully understand the route causes and rebuild our relationship.  We consider ourselves so lucky to have found Lyn Moody.  It was by pure luck that Google gave us her name and then reading her experience and capabilities we felt very comfortable contacting her.  We are so glad we did!  Lyn made the whole process very easy through her exceptional style and professionalism.  She understands when to step in and help, when to guide and when to lay down controls with us.  Through our sessions with Lyn Moody we have come to understand what happened and importantly we have learnt to talk and listen about our issues and resolve them together. We actually now look to forward to seeing her!  Lyn’s style is so easy and honest with excellent use of examples, delivery, tools and techniques that have enabled us to start rebuilding.  We have been lucky on two counts, firstly we found Lyn and secondly we wanted to work with her to rebuild our relationship.  We cannot recommend Lyn Moody highly enough, though the outcome is not guaranteed and can’t be, Lyn will ensure the help is delivered professionally and with care.

Training Testimonials

  • Amazing trainer , well experienced and hilarious.
  • Fantastic teacher with plenty of time for anything we wanted to ask or discuss, and obviously full of valuable knowledge, skills and experiences to share. A good sense of humour too – I feel lucky to have been taught by her.
  •  Great teacher who is great at engaging with everyone.
  • Excellent tutor who made the course so interesting and easily understandable, thank you.
  • Lovely lady, very caring and supportive.
  • Thank you for an inspiring course, great teacher. Thank you.
  • What a lovely lady, great experience.
  • I really enjoyed my learning, well explained. thanks for your time and patience, great work Lyn.
  • Lovely lady who is a great teacher and made our learning experience through  sharing her own experiences. Thank you.
  • Thank you for making the course so interesting and enjoyable.
  • Her experience in all those fields have been something brought to the group, which has been educational. Her humour is amazing!! Love it and her outlook on life.
  • I knew I was right that I needed to be in your group. You are excellent at what you do and I feel very privileged. Thank you.
  • Got me to understand the power of silence, and helped me lose some insecurities about the role.
  • Thank you so much, it’s been fantastic. Thanks for giving so much of yourself whilst teaching.
  • Thank you for your insight and humour.  I’ve learnt and enjoyed the course very much.
  • The course will help me forever! Thank you so much.
  • I just wanted to thank you for such an enjoyable course, and to say that I have made it known that I am interested in doing another one. It would be great if you did the next course, and I hope to meet again in the future. I will miss the Thursday group. Once again many thanks for your help and kindness.
  • Course was delivered in a funny/serious manner. What shone out from Lyn was that she ‘knows her stuff’! Lovely person and sincere.

Supervision Testimonials 

  • I really appreciate all your input over the years – from the beginning at Relate to now. You have been invaluable during my journey of growing as a counsellor; thank you for all your wise words.
  • Just wanted to thank you for all the help and support you have given me over the years. If I have grown into a ‘good enough’ counsellor during this time it is in no small part down to your mentoring.
  • I would like to wish you well for next year, and to thank you for the last 11 years of supervisions and your support. I have appreciated it immensely. Thank you.
  • Thank you Lyn for the years of professional, apt (sometimes irreverent!) but always grounded support. I have very much appreciated it.
  • Thank you for your support with my BACP accreditation. Much appreciated.
  • Thank you so much for all your wisdom!
  • Thank you for your support and encouragement in 2012
  • I wanted to thank you for being such a lovely tutor, and free spirit; you always made me laugh, but also think with your experience and insights. I feel I have grown a lot, and a lot is down to you and the group.
  • Thank you so much for all the help, understanding and perseverance that you have shown me over the past eight years.
  • Thank you very much for all your help and support over the past two and a half years – it is much appreciated.